Booster Seat Safety for Kids!

Learning about road safety can start at a very early age and educating children about safe behaviour while riding in a vehicle (i.e. not adjusting their belt, or slumping down in the seat) reduces the risk of serious injury in the event of a crash.

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BestFit Booster Virtual E-Learning Course!

Free to educators and parents, our RoadSMARTS E-Cademy is a suite of e-learning courses that contain important road safety information for students JK–Grade 6.

Our Booster Seat Safety Course covers why boosters are important, proper seatbelt fit & use, when are you ready to transition and more!

Our BestFit Booster virtual e-learning course teaches children aged 6-8 (generally the age children are using a booster) to take an active role in their own safety and the safety of others (i.e. siblings) by learning and speaking up about how to use a booster seat and vehicle restraints properly and safely. 

Using fun, age-appropriate, engaging and interactive lessons, our virtual course covers the following:

  • Booster Seat Basics & Injury Prevention
  • Proper way to wear your seatbelt
  • Height vs. Age requirements for transitioning to regular seatbelt use
  • Measuring Height Activity

Children between the ages of four and eight are almost two times less likely to be seated correctly in vehicles than infants or older children

– Snowden, A., Hussein, A., Ahmed, E. (2008)

Help Support the Ottawa Safety Council

Donations to the Ottawa Safety Council help us to continue building new programming and creating and delivering awareness campaigns to bring road safety advocacy and awareness to everyone in Ottawa, regardless of how they travel.

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