Resources for kids!
Our RoadSMARTS 4 Kids page offers all kinds of resources, activities, challenges, downloadable lesson plans and videos that make learning important road safety concepts, skills and awareness fun and engaging for kids.
We are never too young to start learning about road safety. Thinking about our children walking and cycling independently can be daunting and worrisome but it doesn’t have to be! Parents, teachers and adults have a responsibility to ensure our kids are prepared and empowered to keep themselves safe on our roads. By actively engaging and talking to children about road safety we can ensure we raise responsible, aware and safer road users.

Activity Sheets and Printables
Hey Kids! Want to start earning your RoadSMARTS licence? Start by downloading some of our fun activity pages.

CycleSafe Word Search
Grades 3–6
WalkSafe Word Search
Grades 3–6
School Zone Word Search
Grades 3–6
WalkSafe Crossword Puzzle
Grades 5–8
DIY Activities
Help your kids learn road safety tips, familiarize them with road signs and encourage them to be safer pedestrians and cyclists with these simple and fun activities you can do around the house and while out walking and cycling as a family! Sign up to receive free, fun, age-appropriate road safety activities.
Plan a Safe Walking Route Activity
From crosswalks to traffic lights, to making sure they can be seen,...
Road Safety Scavenger Hunt
While out walking and getting some exercise and fresh air, why not...
DIY CycleSafe Mini-Rodeo
Cycling season has kicked off – time to brush up on some important...
Dangers of Distraction
Distraction is one of leading causes of road accidents – whether it...
WalkSafe Teacher Program
Sign up Now!
Click here to visit our WalkSafe teacher Program page to find out more about the different programs and downlaod the teacher’s packages.
Help Support the Ottawa Safety Council
Donations to the Ottawa Safety Council help us to continue building new programming and creating and delivering awareness campaigns to bring road safety advocacy and awareness to everyone in Ottawa, regardless of how they travel.
Our Latest Blogs
Cycling Safety Tips
The weather is perfect to start exploring the many bike paths that...
Motorcycle Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility
May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month! Whether you're a new...
April Showers Bring… Bad Drivers
In order to experience the beautiful May flowers, first we must face...